Break out of your shell for better service
Dealing with customers face-to-face can seem intimidating and uncomfortable — so many technicians operate without realizing the importance of communicating with customers. Here are a few ways you can...
View ArticleTruck maintenance that saves you time & money
Vehicle problems can unexpectedly bring an entire day of servicing and selling to a sudden halt — and anger your customers. These routine checks should keep your fleet running soundly and smoothly....
View ArticleIntroducing yourself to customers
First impressions say it all. Make it worth something. In a recent article from, Jeff describes a personal account of how a new acquaintance in a non-business setting can quickly turn into an...
View ArticleGet your business involved in a holiday cause
With social responsibility on every HVAC business owner’s mind, the holiday season is a great opportunity to get involved. Bring together your customers, employees, and the community for a holiday...
View ArticleGive your HVAC customers a winter break
A seasonal discount, such as no charge for winter maintenance (to give customers extra money for gift buying), may be the thing that creates loyal customers. These days, everyone is trying to stretch...
View Article4 ways customer service can be simple
Customer service can be simple. So simple, in fact, that we don’t need the throngs of information out there about how to do customer service well. Here are my four tips: Cut the red tape: Using your...
View ArticleTip-toeing around unruly customers
Service jobs in the HVAC field are hard enough without the distraction of a customer’s unruly child or pet. Keep these three tips in mind for a happier customer and self: Let the kids be Your tool belt...
View ArticleTurning customer criticisms into productivity
A majority of the time, criticism can be taken too far or become too personal. Whether you’re on a sales call with a customer or getting feedback from other team members, here are a few tips on how to...
View Article3 cheesy phrases your customers hate
There is nothing worse than starting off on the wrong foot with a customer; especially when your other foot is in your mouth because you said something cheesy or unprofessional. Keep your customer...
View ArticleDriving in winter weather: Be careful out there
Your employees are driving to customers in that winter weather. Here are some tips to keep them safe while keeping customers warm this winter. When driving on ice: Decrease your usual speed to avoid...
View ArticleBe on time for revenue’s sake
Failing to show up on time may just be the biggest complaint of most field service customers, yet many employees don’t feel that they need to be reminded about the importance of promptness. What’s...
View ArticleInvesting in technology to cut HVAC business costs
Making a one-time investment in technology for your HVAC business may seem expensive, but, in the long run, it can be extremely cost effective. Consider the ways in which technology can save your...
View ArticleA peek inside the 2013 Lennox Dealer Meetings
The 2013 Lennox Dealer Meetings are around the corner — this is when the best minds in the HVAC business put their heads together for better business. Even with my decades in the industry, I learn...
View Article5 reasons the new learning center will change your life
In a rut with HVAC training? Do you feel like you’re constantly running behind? Don’t think you or your employees have time for training? Well, you’re in luck. The HVAC Learning Solutions new powerful...
View ArticleWhat is your HVAC company getting wrong?
Sometimes we look at the numbers and don’t see the fruits of the countless hours we seem to put in — and that can be disheartening. The question we must ask ourselves is, “What’s missing?” If the...
View ArticleWhat you didn’t know cyber security
Technology will help your business get where it needs to be, but do you know how to protect that power? Your business technology may be vulnerable to hackers, so take advantage of available security...
View ArticleWhat Mike Moore loves about his job
In my years as Training Director for HVAC Learning Solutions, I’ve learned so much about what ails dealerships, solutions to the HVAC industry’s ever-changing standards, and what makes your customers...
View ArticleCan 3-D technology improve your field service mobility?
3-D technology and fewer tablets may be what your HVAC business needs to stay ahead. Here are reviews on the latest technology for your HVAC business: 3-D printers can replace inventory. Printers put...
View ArticleWhy Techs should be Excited About Training
You’ve probably heard the famous quote from Steve Jobs, “Stay hungry. Stay foolish.” And there’s good reason, you as a technician, can’t become the best without becoming better. Of course you want to...
View ArticleWhy Bad Breath Can Ruin the Sale
People always ask me if I have a secret weapon for sales, and I always tell them, “It’s my fresh breath.” I make sure to keep my breath minty fresh because there’s nothing that can kill your business...
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